
Read and write multi-digit whole numbers using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form. Compare two multi-digit numbers based on meanings of the digits in each place, using >, =, and < symbols to record the results of comparisons.

1. More or Less - Click numbers more than 216
2. Make a Number: 4 thousands, 0 hundreds, 2 tens, 9 ones
3. Make a Number: 4 hundreds, 2 thousands, 7 tens, 9 ones
4. Order! Order! 1 dec. place, largest number first
5. Order! Order! 1 dec. place, smallest number first
6. Here are the words.........where's the number?
7. Here are the words.........where's the number?
8. Here are the words.........where's the number?
9. Here are the words.........where's the number?
10. Here are the words.........where's the number?
11. Here's the number: 725 527 727
12. Here's the number: 193 139 339
13. Here's the number: 302 322 232
14. Here's the number: 422 224 424
15. Here's the number: 686 866 868
16. What's That Number?
17. What's That Number?
18. What's That Number?
19. What's That Number?
20. What's That Number?
21. What's That Number?
22. Here are the words....Where's the number?
23. What's That Number?
24. Name That Number!: 7080
25. Name That Number!: 1300
26. Name that Number!: 9009
27. Here are the words....Where's the number?
28. Here are the words....Where's the number?
29. Here are the words....Where's the number?
30. Here are the words....Where's the number?
31. Here are the words....Where's the number?
32. Here's the number: 7503 5037 3075
33. Here's the number: 8102 1802 2108
34. Here's the number: 2408 4282 8242
35. Name That Number! 2004
36. Name That Number! 5500
37. Here's the number: 8778 8877 8787
38. Here's the number: 5466 5264 4562
39. Here's the number: 2382 2830 32880
40. Here are the words....Where's the number?
41. Here are the words....Where's the number?
42. Here are the words....Where's the number?
43. Here are the words....Where's the number?
44. Here are the words....Where's the number?
45. Here are the words....Where's the number?
46. What's That Number?
47. What's That Number?
48. What's That Number?
49. Here are the words....Where's the number?
50. Here are the words....Where's the number?
51. What's That Number?
52. What's That Number?
53. Here's the number: 6868 6668 6886 8666
54. Here's the number: 2050 2500 5050 5500
55. What's That Number?: 4720 7420 7240
56. Here are the words....Where's the number?
57. Here are the words....Where's the number?
58. Here are the words....Where's the number?
59. Name That Number!: 6900
60. Order! order! - Largest number first: 6123 6110 6104 6059
61. Order! Order! Smallest number first
62. Order! Order! Largest number first
63. Numbers Up: 7365
64. Numbers Up: 2424
65. Numbers Up: 3942
66. Numbers Up: 6549
67. Numbers Up: 3303
68. Numbers Up: 9040
69. Numbers Up: 1097
70. Numbers Up: 4615
71. Numbers Up: 3432
72. Numbers Up: 9332
73. Numbers Up: 7567
74. Numbers Up: 4811
75. Numbers Up: 1826
76. Fill the Gaps - thousands, hundreds, tens, ones: 9871
77. Fill the Gaps - thousands, hundreds, tens, ones: 4268
78. Fill the Gaps - thousands, hundreds, tens, ones: 3493
79. Order! order! - Largest number first
80. Order! Order! - Smallest number first
81. Fill the Gaps - thousands, hundreds, tens, ones: 1545
82. Fill the Gaps - thousands, hundreds, tens, ones: 3652
83. Fill the Gaps - thousands, hundreds, tens, ones: 7698
84. Fill the Gaps - thousands, hundreds, tens, ones: 4326
85. Here's the number: 7011 7111 7211 1107
86. Here's the number: 3033 3333 3303 3003
87. Here's the number: 4066 6046 6406 6066
88. What's That Number?
89. What's That Number?
90. Here are the words....Where's the number?
91. Here are the words: 5461 4561 6451 6541
92. Fill the Gaps - thousands, hundreds, tens, ones: 8147
93. Order! Order! - Smallest number first
94. What's That Number?
95. Here are the words....Where's the number?
96. Numbers Up: 9571
97. Numbers Up: 4685
98. Numbers Up: 6237
99. Name That Number! 20 500
100. Name That Number! 70 002
101. Name That Number! 40 090
102. Order! Order!: 5-digit Smallest number first
103. Order! Order!: 5-digit Largest number first
104. Fill the Gaps - thousands, hundreds, tens, ones: 4718
105. Fill the Gaps - thousands, hundreds, tens, ones: 5143
106. Fill the Gaps - thousands, hundreds, tens, ones: 5143
107. Here's the number: 3624, 3462, 3642, 6462
108. Here's the number: 8335, 3335, 8535, 8885
109. Here are the words: 3847 8347 8374 3478
110. Here are the words: 5831 5381 8351 8531
111. What's That Number?
112. Place Value Quiz: 89 462
113. Place Value Quiz: 26 158
114. Place Value Quiz: 73 904
115. Numbers Up: 20 101
116. Numbers Up: 18 625
117. Numbers Up: 10 452
118. Order! Order!: 5-digit Largest number first
119. Order! Order!: 5-digit Largest number first
120. Order! Order!: 5-digit Smallest number first
121. Numbers Up: 89 134
122. Numbers Up: 43 620
123. Here's the number: 5382 5832 3582 8532
124. Here's the number: 1967 1697 1769 7967
125. Here's the number....Where are the words?
126. Here are the words...Where's the number?
127. Here are the words: 7639, 6739, 6793, 6973
128. Here are the words: 4968, 9468, 9486, 9864
129. Place Value Quiz: 64 329
130. Place Value Quiz: 45 681
131. Fill the Gaps - thousands, hundreds, tens, ones: 9820
132. Fill the Gaps - thousands, hundreds, tens, ones: 32 564
133. Numbers Up: 7958
134. Numbers Up: 2521
135. Numbers Up: 79 088
136. Numbers Up: 54 261
137. Numbers Up: 79 180
138. Numbers Up: 347 451
139. Numbers Up: 409 518
140. Numbers Up: 540 687
141. Order! Order! 5-digit, descending order
142. Order! Order! 5-digit, descending order
143. Order! Order! 5-digit, ascending order
144. Here's the number: 647.6, 647.7, 646.7
145. Order! Order! 5-digit, ascending order
146. Order! Order! 4-digit, ascending order
147. Order! Order! 5-digit, descending order
148. Here are the words... Where's the number?
149. Here are the words... Where's the number?
150. Here are the words... Where's the number?
151. What's That Number?
152. What's That Number?
153. Numbers Up: 258 369
154. Numbers Up: 237 221
155. Numbers Up: 126 310
156. Numbers Up: 12 065
157. Numbers Up: 48 046
158. Here's the number: 253.1, 251.3, 253.3
159. Order! Order! 5-digit, ascending order
160. Order! Order! 5-digit, descending order
161. Order! Order! 5-digit, descending order
162. Here are the words... Where's the number?
163. Here are the words... Where's the number?
164. What's That Number?
165. What's That Number?
166. What's That Number?
167. What's That Number?
168. What's That Number?
169. Here are the words........where's the number?
170. Here are the words........where's the number?
171. Here are the words........where's the number?
172. Here's the number: 82 265 28 265 28 565
173. Here's the number: 65 478 59 471 63 698
174. Here's the number: 96 586 69 586 96 856
175. Order! Order! 5-digit: Largest number first
176. Order! Order! 5-digit: Largest number first
177. Order! Order! 5-digit: Smallest number first
178. Order! Order! 5-digit: Largest number first
179. Write the number: Write the correct numbers to match the words
180. Numbers Up: 128 435
181. Numbers Up: 546 313
182. Numbers Up: 583 967
183. Numbers Up: 258 725
184. Fill the Gaps: thousands, hundreds, tens, ones - 7924
185. Fill the Gaps: thousands, hundreds, tens, ones - 6358
186. Fill the Gaps: thousands, hundreds, tens, ones - 4139
187. Fill the Gaps: thousands, hundreds, tens, ones - 2734
188. Fill the Gaps: thousands, hundreds, tens, ones - 8695