
Draw polygons in the coordinate plane given coordinates for the vertices; use coordinates to find the length of a side joining points with the same first coordinate or the same second coordinate. Apply these techniques in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems.

1. The Plot Thickens - Plot points on a grid. Identify shape.
2. The Plot Thickens - Plot points on a grid. Calculate area.
3. The Plot Thickens - Plot points on a grid. Identify shape.
4. The Plot Thickens - Plot points on a grid. Calculate area.
5. Get in Shape - move objects to coordinates and describe shape made
6. Get in Shape - move objects to coordinates and describe angle made
7. Round Pegs and Square Holes - move objects to given coordinates, find coordinates of remaining vertex
8. Round Pegs and Square Holes - move objects to given coordinates, find coordinates of remaining vertex
9. Round Pegs and Square Holes - move objects to given coordinates, find coordinates of remaining vertex
10. Don't lose the plot: Plot points in first and second quadrant
11. Uncovering the Plot - move objects to given coordinates, type of triangle
12. Size Matters - move objects to given coordinates, calculate side length of triangle formed