
Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including analogies or allusions to other texts.

1. Narrative: Amelie in the forest
2. Don't quote me
3. Huxley Poem (1)
4. Ozymandias Poem 1 (1)
5. Hen Poem 1 (1)
6. Bell-Birds Poem 1 (2)
7. Merchant of Venice Poem 1 (2)
8. Pied Piper Poem 1
9. Bees Poem 1 (5)
10. Mississippi Poem 1 (4)
11. Kubla Khan Poem 1 (5)
12. Dissembling Words Poem 1 (4)
13. Eletelephony Poem 1 (3)
14. Sea Fever Poem 1 (3) 47.01.6
15. Frost Poem (5) 47.01.6
16. Frost Poem (4)
17. Frost Poem (2)
18. Heavens Poem (4)
19. Heavens Poem (3)
20. Man and Superman Comprehension
21. Man and Superman Comprehension
22. Narrative: Amelie in the forest