Directly compare two objects with a measurable attribute in common, to see which object has 'more of'/'less of' the attribute, and describe the difference. For example, directly compare the heights of two children and describe one child as taller/shorter.
1. | Dog in Kennel: Largest dog, largest kennel | |
2. | Dog in Kennel - Smallest dog, largest kennel | |
3. | Dog in Kennel - Medium dog, largest kennel | |
4. | Dog in Kennel: Smallest dog, middle-sized kennel | |
5. | Dogs in Kennels | |
6. | Dolphins - How many more?(9 - 4) | |
7. | Needing Some Noise - label duration of events, short or long | |
8. | How To Get To The Picnic- label duration of events, short or long | |
9. | Time's Up! 2 - select task of shortest duration | |
10. | Time's Up! 1 - select task of longest duration | |
11. | A Big Appetite - which takes up the most space? | |
12. | Clowning around - takes up the most space | |
13. | Gone Fishing - select bowl that holds the least water | |
14. | Gone Fishing - select bowl that holds the most water | |
15. | Thirsty Work - almost full | |
16. | Thirsty Work - almost empty | |
17. | Select container that is nearly empty | |
18. | Oranges and Lemons: Most juice | |
19. | More or Less: Less than | |
20. | Shape Up - smallest area from 3 | |
21. | Sizing Up - largest area from 3 | |
22. | Sizing Up - smallest area from 3 | |
23. | Acknowledging Area: Smallest area from 3 | |
24. | Feed the Birds 1: Biggest, smallest, middle-sized | |
25. | Short Order 2 - select shortest bird | |
26. | The Toy Factory - select 2 the same height | |
27. | Clowning Around - select 2 the same height | |
28. | Fruit Salad: Heaviest | |
29. | Car Chase - heavy and light | |
30. | Snow Size 2 - least mass, lightest | |
31. | Snow Size 1 - greatest mass, heaviest | |
32. | Sort - Keepin' It Wheel | |
33. | Sort - Flea Fly Mosquito | |
34. | Oranges and Lemons: Least juice | |
35. | Oranges and Lemons: Click the tallest glass | |
36. | Oranges and Lemons: Click the shortest glass | |
37. | Oranges and Lemons: Click the medium-sized glass | |
38. | Up Size - largest area from 3 | |
39. | A Sizable Difference - short and tall | |
40. | A Gray Matter- heavy and light |