
Find whole-number quotients and remainders with up to four-digit dividends and one-digit divisors, using strategies based on place value, the properties of operations, and/or the relationship between multiplication and division. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models.

1. Complementary Pairs: 116 x 3 = 348
2. Division chain: 100 / 2 / 5 = ?
3. Division Chain: 30 / 5 = ? / 2 = ?
4. Division Chain: 40 / 5 = ? / 4 = ?
5. Division Chain: 90 / 3 = ?, / 10 = ?
6. Division Chain: 100 / 5 = ?, / 2 = ?
7. Division Chain - 45 / 5 = ? / 3 = ?
8. Division Chain - 20 / 5 = ? / 2 = ?
9. Division Chain - 32 / 4 = ? / 2 = ?
10. Division Chain - 80 / 10 = ? / 4 = ?
11. Division Chain - 30 / 3 ? / 10 = ?
12. True or False: 160/40=4
13. True or False: 150/3=15
14. Number detectives: 48/?=12
15. Same or different: Click all the boxes where the answer is the same.
16. Same or different: Click all the boxes where the answer is the same.
17. The Great Divide: Complete each division sentence
18. The Great Divide: Complete each division sentence
19. The Great Divide: Complete each division sentence
20. The Great Divide: Complete each division sentence
21. The Great Divide: Complete each division sentence
22. Same or different: Click all the boxes where the answer is the same.
23. Complementary Pairs: 402 x 2 = 804
24. Complementary Pairs: 102 x 6 = 612
25. Complementary Pairs: 241 x 2 = 482
26. Complementary Pairs: 313 x 3 = 939