
Verify experimentally the properties of rotations, reflections, and translations:

1. Translate with Tex - translate object four units right and five unit down
2. Translate with Tex - translate object six units right and one unit up
3. Translate with Tex - translate object two units right and one unit down
4. Translate with Tex - translate object six units lefts and one unit up
5. Robbie the Rat's Revolting Reflections - select correct image
6. Robbie the Rat's Revolting Reflections - select correct image
7. What is the point? - translation
8. What is the point? - translation
9. Robbie the Rat's Revolting Reflections - select correct image
10. What is the point? - translation
11. Robbie the Rat's Revolting Reflections - select correct image
12. Robbie the Rat's Revolting Reflections - select correct image
13. Translate with Tex - translate object two units right and three unit down
14. Mirror Magic - complete reflection
15. Mirror Magic - complete reflection
16. Mirror Magic - mark lines of reflection
17. Mirror Magic - mark lines of reflection
18. Mirror Magic - mark lines of reflection
19. Packing Bobby's Backpack - rotation about a point
20. Packing Bobby's Backpack - reflection about a line, identify shape
21. Renee's Repeated Reflections - two step reflection
22. Renee's Repeated Reflections - two step reflection
23. Renee's Repeated Reflections - two step reflection
24. Sam's Shape Spinning - select correct rotated object
25. Do-Si Dave - mark point of rotation
26. Do-Si Dave - mark point of rotation
27. Do-Si Dave - mark point of rotation
28. Do-Si Dave - mark point of rotation
29. Do-Si Dave - mark point of rotation
30. Sam's Shape Spinning - select correct rotated object
31. Sam's Shape Spinning - select correct rotated object
32. Big Movers - identify transformation
33. Big Movers - identify transformation