Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers.
1. | A Christmas Poem - Comprehension | |
2. | Grocery Grab - Interpret list | |
3. | Phoebe's Kitchen - Interpret recipe | |
4. | Job Description - Match picture to description | |
5. | Max's Bug Collection - Interpret descriptive text | |
6. | Shopping Directions - Reword a step in a procedure | |
7. | Dear Abby...- Read and interpret a list of jobs (1) | |
8. | Road Haiku 1 | |
9. | Interpret table of contents | |
10. | Young Cleopatra Poster A | |
11. | James' article A | |
12. | Virginia researches Geisha, uses contents A | |
13. | Just Doing My Job - Choose correct occupation from description (18) | |
14. | Just Doing My Job - Choose correct occupation from description (22) | |
15. | Good Morning, Beaver! - Sequence pictures to accompany story (2) | |
16. | Good Morning, Beaver! - Sequence pictures to accompany story (3) | |
17. | Good Morning, Beaver! - Sequence pictures to accompany story (3) | |
18. | Three Little Pigs - Sequence pictures to accompany story (3) | |
19. | Three Little Pigs - Sequence pictures to accompany story (2) | |
20. | Three Little Pigs - Sequence pictures to accompany story (1) | |
21. | Mad Mix - Match picture to caption | |
22. | Mad Mix - Match picture to caption | |
23. | Mad Mix - Match picture to caption | |
24. | Swan Lake - Match picture to caption | |
25. | Which Came First? - Narrative sequence (1) | |
26. | Which Came First? - Narrative sequence (2) | |
27. | Which Came First? - Narrative sequence (2) | |
28. | Road Haiku 3 | |
29. | PaperInk Poem (1) | |
30. | Old Man Poem 1 (1) | |
31. | Goldilocks - Sequence narrative | |
32. | Goldilocks - Sequence narrative | |
33. | Goldilocks - Sequence narrative | |
34. | Swan Lake - Match picture to caption | |
35. | Swan Lake - Match picture to caption | |
36. | Pinocchio - Sequence pictures to accompany story (1) | |
37. | Virginia researches Geisha, uses contents A | |
38. | Pinocchio - Sequence pictures to accompany story (2) | |
39. | Pinocchio - Sequence pictures to accompany story (3) | |
40. | Pinocchio - Sequence pictures to accompany story (4) | |
41. | Young Cleopatra Poster A |