Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
1. | Turn To Page... - Table of contents | |
2. | Turn To Page... - Table of contents | |
3. | Turn To Page... - Table of contents | |
4. | Turn To Page... - Table of contents | |
5. | Grasshoppers - Interpret information text | |
6. | Grasshoppers - Interpret information text | |
7. | Tell Me About Elephants - Interpret informational text | |
8. | Hot Chocolate Coming Up! - Interpret recipe | |
9. | Description (3) | |
10. | Description (4) | |
11. | Information Report - Contents (5a) | |
12. | Information Report | |
13. | Tell Me About Elephants - Interpret informational text | |
14. | Description (8) | |
15. | Description (10) | |
16. | Info Report (7) | |
17. | Info Report (8) | |
18. | Genre (1) | |
19. | Info Report (9) | |
20. | Treasure Hunt! - Interpret directions | |
21. | Treasure Hunt! - Interpret directions | |
22. | True or False - Interpret factual text (1) | |
23. | Procedure (3) | |
24. | Comprehension (3) |