
Use numbers expressed in the form of a single digit times an integer power of 10 to estimate very large or very small quantities, and to express how many times as much one is than the other. For example, estimate the population of the United States as 3 x 108 and the population of the world as 7 x 109, and determine that the world population is more than 20 times larger.

1. Find the Power: Write numbers as powers of 10
2. Going Up: Ordering numbers with index notation
3. Going Up: Ordering numbers with index notation
4. Going Up: Ordering numbers with index notation
5. Going Up: Ordering numbers with index notation
6. Going Down: Ordering numbers with index notation
7. Going Down: Ordering numbers with index notation
8. Going Up: Ordering numbers with index notation
9. Expand Numbers: Using indices
10. Find the Power: Write numbers using powers of 10
11. Find the Power: Write numbers using powers of 10
12. Going Up: Ordering indexed numbers
13. Going Down: Ordering indexed numbers
14. Going Up: Ordering indexed numbers
15. Going Up: Ordering indexed numbers
16. Going Down: Ordering indexed numbers
17. Going Up: Ordering indexed numbers
18. Star Gazing: Write 39 680 000 000 000 km in Scientific Notation
19. The Featherweight Division - mass in kg, multiples, scientific notation
20. The Featherweight Division - adding and subtracting mass in g, express answer in kg using scientific notation
21. Moon-Light? - combined mass, kg, scientific notation
22. Moon-Light? - combined mass, kg, scientific notation
23. Find the Power: Write numbers as powers of 10
24. Find the Power: Write numbers as powers of 10
25. Find the Power: Write numbers as powers of 10
26. Find the Power: Write numbers as powers of 10
27. Expanded notation: 5731.88
28. Expanded notation: 65 424.791
29. Expanded notation: 35 248.916
30. Expanded notation: 348 267.159
31. Expanded notation: 123 789.456
32. By Jupiter!: Write 6.89340 x 10[6] miles in expanded form
33. Find the Power: Write numbers as powers of 10 (1)
34. Expanded notation: 4 295.668
35. Scientific Notation: Write 112 560 000 in scientific notation
36. Scientific Notation: Write 0.00034096inches in scientific notation
37. Bamboozled!: Write 1.9338x10[-5] in decimal form
38. Going Up: Ordering indexed numbers
39. Find the Power: Write numbers using powers of 10
40. Find the Power: Write numbers using powers of 10
41. Find the Power: Write numbers using powers of 10
42. Going Down: Ordering indexed numbers
43. It's Astronomical! 2 - kiloyears and galactic years, scientific notation
44. It's Astronomical! 1 - kiloyears and galactic years, scientific notation
45. The Featherweight Division - mass in kg, multiples, scientific notation
46. The Featherweight Division - mass in kg, multiples, scientific notation
47. Heavy Math - mass in kg, multiples, scientific notation
48. Moon-Light? - mass in kg, multiples, scientific notation