Find whole-number quotients of whole numbers with up to four-digit dividends and two-digit divisors, using strategies based on place value, the properties of operations, and/or the relationship between multiplication and division. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models.
1. | Number detectives: 180=?x9 | |
2. | Number detectives: 160=40x? | |
3. | Number detectives: 360=6x? | |
4. | Number detectives: 420=70x? | |
5. | Eating Money: $105/7 | |
6. | Number detectives: 250/5=? | |
7. | Same or different: Click all the boxes where the answer is the same. | |
8. | Same or different: Click all the boxes where the answer is the same. | |
9. | Same or different: Click all the boxes where the answer is the same. | |
10. | Number detectives: Quotient, dividend, divisor | |
11. | Number detectives: Quotient, dividend, divisor | |
12. | Number detectives: Quotient of 7, Dividend 56 | |
13. | Number detectives: 42/7 What is the quotient? | |
14. | Number detectives: Half of 144/(product of 3 and 4) | |
15. | True or False?: 420 / 7 = 420 / 6 | |
16. | Divide a hundred 360/*=9 120/3=* | |
17. | Divide a hundred 270/*=3 420/6=* | |
18. | Division Chains | |
19. | Division Chains | |
20. | Division Chains | |
21. | Up or down 56/10 | |
22. | Up or down 430/50 | |
23. | Up or down 27/5 | |
24. | Number detectives: Quotient of 540 and 9 | |
25. | Number detectives: Dividend=12, divisor=4 What is the quotient? | |
26. | Number detectives: Product of 2 numbers is 63. One number is 7. What is the other number? | |
27. | Division Chain: Three- and four-digit numbers | |
28. | Division Chain: Three- and four-digit numbers | |
29. | Division Chain: Three- and four-digit numbers | |
30. | Dividing Hundreds: Divide a 3-digit ten multiple by a 2-digit ten multiple | |
31. | Dividing Hundreds: Divide a 3-digit ten multiple by a 2-digit ten multiple | |
32. | Eggs anyone?: 840 eggs per week = ? per day | |
33. | Meg's Money Matters: $490/10 | |
34. | Divide and rule: Simplify division problems | |
35. | Up or down 39/15 | |
36. | Number detectives: Division language (quotient) | |
37. | Number detectives: 2,400=50x? | |
38. | Anyone for a burger? ($39-$3)/6 | |
39. | Some Pig!: 10 pigs cost $600. One pig costs? | |
40. | Division Chain: Three- and four-digit numbers | |
41. | Harvest time 27 cwt/300lb | |
42. | Divide and rule: Use halving to simplify division | |
43. | Divide and rule: Use halving to simplify division | |
44. | Number detectives: Division language |